Friday, 9 October 2009

T189 Feedback

Like many doing The Art of Photography, I came from the Open University's T189 course ... and now, several months after sending off the end-of-course assessment (the photos included in that are on the early pages of this blog), feedback has been received and I include it as part of the learning process. I also soon hope to have feedback from Assignment 1, which will obviously be more relevant.

Anyway, I got 85% which sounds okay to me. Comments were: "You have selected images that show you are visually aware, good work. I enjoyed all of your seaside images, each one showing a different aspect of what you may find there: blowing deckchairs against the pier, a carousel in movement, sunlit deckchair that cast their shadows across a beautifully lit panelled pier. The shell of a pier and the hundreds of birds wondering what has happened to their nesting place.
"Deterrents" is a strong graphic image and would have been missed by many a photographer; a powerful silhouette and a very different environmental self-portrait.

"I found your technical ability at a very good standard. Keep producing wonderful images."

All of this is very pleasant, of course, but I'm not sure that I have actually learned anything from this feedback...